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Virtual Facilitography Walkshop - 28 April

Our smartphones have turned us all into photographers. They can also make us better facilitators.

Join Jacinta for an introduction to Facilitography. Explore new ways of seeing beyond the obvious and capturing the unexpected.

Facilitography helps to train your eyes to not just look, but to see, notice and observe - and better observers make better facilitators.

 When: 28th April, 11.00am – 12.30pm

Last Tuesday of the month from April to September.

Where: Jacinta’s Zoom meeting room. Once you’ve registered here, we will register you for your Zoom session and you will receive a unique link to join your session room.

What you need: A computer, your smartphone and a little curiosity, compassion and courage.


Who is it for?

- Facilitators! New, experienced and everyone in between

- Anyone who facilitates meetings, roundtables or workshops

- Speakers, mediators and anyone who works with groups

What’s included

- A creative and fun experience of street photography to strengthen your powers of observation

- Insights into the links between visual observation and facilitating groups

- Practical exercises to start building your daily observation habit

- Read the room like a street photographer Insights Paper

- Gallery of photographs in a dedicated What’s App group

What people say:

See what people noticed and learned in the #Facilitography Walkshops. Watch here – enjoy!

“I loved it! It was completely different to anything I’ve ever done.”

“ An incredible learning experience…definitely translates to my own behaviour as facilitator.”

“A technique that forced me to look at things differently…I’m going to do it more.”

“A great way to help participants think about surfacing what they want to say.”

“Great to see the link between our daily visual observations & working with groups of people. I never would have connected the two!”

“I learnt to make more time and look for the smaller things, as it’s easy to get totally focused on your own agenda. Taking photos was fun!”

“…led me to reflect on how I might be getting in my own way of being a better facilitator.”

"Working with what's there! Beautiful linkage between facilitation and photography.“

"A new tool for using in an educational setting with students and teachers."