Show not tell
Different pathways, same finish
You don’t have to do it alone
What do you facilitate
Backstage with my videos
Questions facilitation #3
Questions facilitation #2
Questions facilitation
Participation improves facilitation #3
Participation improves facilitation #2
Participation improves facilitation #1
Look mum! No group!
Mark your markers
Circle of content
I have an agenda
1 minute to do
Don't like being facilitated
Experience Feedback
Thoughts & feelings
Ditch the introductions
A word on instructions
Say 'hi' before your workshop
Whose Purpose
From nothing to something
Design like a DJ
Can do
Have a (fl)awesome Christmas!
Tell Ask Explore
How To Elevate Engagement Online
Make Do With What's In The Fridge
Assumptions - Reporting
Listenting And Thinking Face
I Am "Menough"
Standing In Your Feelings
The NOs Might Have It
The Quiet And The Loud
Speaking Clock
Here's Something I Prepared Earlier
Communicating Nuance
What Cards Do You Use?
Facilitate To Co-create
How To Create Content Without Any Work
Protect The Solo Time
Mistakes Will Happen
It's Not About The Score, It's About The Game
Stay On Your Mat
Zip It - The Silent Facilitator
Keep It Safe - Start Small
Workshop or Workout?
Which do you prefer?
Design For People
Do you design workshops for you or the people in the room?
Workshop rhythm
Facilitating for 100 people? Don’t panic.
Frame it!
What’s on and off the table?
Help! I need a workshop activity!
Have you thought about this?
Group Agreements
Forget the group agreement – they will!
How to practise your facilitation
Consistency is key!
What’s Your Workshop Itinerary?
Why an itinerary trumps a run sheet.
Park, Don't Kill, Your Darlings
What to do with the activities that don't serve the workshop.
When Guides Are Ignored
Risks for the group and the workshop if a facilitator is ignored.
Gentle Guides
Facilitation tips from a kayak guide in the Gili Islands.
Picture The End Result
How a film poster can help your workshop design.
Time And Space For Purpose
Don't make assumptions about purpose. Ask.
More Tha One
Why it's vital to have more than one voice at the design table.
Set Up The Room For Success
Want to be strategic, innovative and creative? Set up the room right.
Their Best State
Help your participants get into their best state for the workshop.
Your Best State
A few quick tips for getting into your 'best state' for your participants.
When Does Your Workshop Start
When do you think a workshop starts?
Hint: not when participants arrive.
Hint: not when participants arrive.
Clear Purpose = High engagement for Gold
Watch for insights on how to get the most out of a group.
Engagement Starts Before
Lay the ground work for gatherings with your group before you meet them.
Co-create Engagement
A quick riff on how to co-create engagement with health consumers.
🚩 Facilitation Red Flags 🚩
Watch these quick videos for 20 warning signs for any facilitator.
I wish someone had told me about these when I started facilitating. I hope they help you.
I’d love to hear what ‘red flags’ do you look out for when you’re designing and facilitating
workshops. Let me know
Facilitation 🚩 #1
Where’s the decision-maker?
Facilitation 🚩 #2
The first word in the ‘purpose’ of the workshop.
Facilitation 🚩 #3
More than one purpose.
Facilitation 🚩 #4
Long lists of objectives.
Facilitation 🚩 #5
A workshop is not an omnibus survey.
Facilitation 🚩 #6
Less is more.
Facilitation 🚩 #7
Facilitation 🚩 #8
Inviting people just to ‘keep them in the loop’.
Facilitation 🚩 #9
Not inviting the passionate ones.
Facilitation 🚩 #10
Observers in a workshop.
Facilitation 🚩 #11
Who is taking notes?
Facilitation 🚩 #12
Start with a slide.
Facilitation 🚩 #13
‘Let’s start with an icebreaker!’
Facilitation 🚩 #14
Your report…
Facilitation 🚩 #15
Turning up 15 minutes before.
Facilitation 🚩 #16
Leaving the set up to the venue.
Facilitation 🚩 #17
Overlooking giving people something to do or look at.
Facilitation 🚩 #18
Wearing white!
Facilitation 🚩 #19
‘Let’s go around the room, say your name, your job & what you hope to get from today.’
Facilitation 🚩 #20
Conversations About Facilitation (Series)
How do we blend face-to-face and online facilitation techniques to suit context and purpose?
Join me as I ‘riff’ with Rebecca Sutherns about how we get the best of both worlds.
We’re all learning together. I reckon if we approach this new working world with a little wonder and curiosity, we’ll be inspired, rather than overwhelmed.