20 Facilitation Red Flags
Watch these 20 quick videos for 20 warning signs for any facilitator.
I wish someone had told me about these when I started facilitating. I hope they help you.
I’d love to hear what ‘red flags’ do you look out for when you’re designing and facilitating
workshops. Let me know jacinta@jacintacubis.com.
Facilitation 🚩 #1
Where’s the decision-maker?
Facilitation 🚩 #2
The first word in the ‘purpose’ of the workshop.
Facilitation 🚩 #3
More than one purpose.
Facilitation 🚩 #4
Long lists of objectives.
Facilitation 🚩 #5
A workshop is not an omnibus survey.
Facilitation 🚩 #6
Less is more.
Facilitation 🚩 #7
Facilitation 🚩 #8
Inviting people just to ‘keep them in the loop’.
Facilitation 🚩 #9
Not inviting the passionate ones.
Facilitation 🚩 #10
Observers in a workshop.
Facilitation 🚩 #11
Who is taking notes?
Facilitation 🚩 #12
Start with a slide.
Facilitation 🚩 #13
‘Let’s start with an icebreaker!’
Facilitation 🚩 #14
Your report…
Facilitation 🚩 #15
Turning up 15 minutes before.
Facilitation 🚩 #16
Leaving the set up to the venue.
Facilitation 🚩 #17
Overlooking giving people something to do or look at.
Facilitation 🚩 #18
Wearing white!
Facilitation 🚩 #19
‘Let’s go around the room, say your name, your job & what you hope to get from today.’
Facilitation 🚩 #20