Show What Matters
Loved this dynamic conversation with Cindy Lenferna de la Motte about using photography to engage communities and stakeholders. Thanks to IAP2 Australasia for the opportunity.
Myriam Hadnes is so authentic - she leaves in the out takes 🎬!! Often the best source of content.
I'm so excited to be leading a #showwhatmatters session at the #neverdonebefore facilitation festival on 20 November.
Curious to find out what it's about? Watch Myriam's quick interview with me.
Grab your pass - meet you there!
Use analogue prompts for better online meetings
A co- facilitator recently told me she liked my 'analogue' style. I had to double check what that meant 😊.
Did she get a preview of my interview with Myriam Hadnes on her #workshopswork podcast!? My use of real, physical tools emerged as the main message from our chat.
I thought everybody did that. Looks like it's a thing!
Chatting to Myriam Hadnes on her podcast #workshopswork was just a joy. Hope you enjoy it too. What’s your favourite workshop exercise?
Better Outcomes From Online Meetings and Workshops
I think of meetings as a bit like a car.
If they're going really well, they're humming along, like a new car.
But if you don't get your car serviced after a few months, you might start to hear a few noises under the bonnet.
I'll get you from A to B but if you don't get those niggling problems fixed, it could break down and you'll need to call road side assistance.
If you don't get it serviced - ever - your car will stop working. It will be beyond repair and only good for the tow truck.
How are your online meetings going?
Are they:
Humming along?
In need of a service?
Broken down and needing assistance?
Beyond repair?
The reasons online meetings are disengaging and unproductive fall into four categories.
Adjusting to new tech
I talk about one problem in each area, and how to fix it, in this talk for the Dental Health Services Victoria Public Oral Health Innovations Conference 2020.
Listen to the First Time Facilitator Podcast: How Walkshops Can Help You Read the Room Better
What do street photography and facilitation have in common?
It’s #Facilitography. The concept of “noticing”. Noticing your perspectives, other people’s perspectives, seeing things in a new light, or a different way.
In this podcast with Leanne from First Time Facilitator, we look at the parallels between street photography and facilitation and discuss how my #Facilitography Walkshops help you to read the room.
In this episode you will learn:
How you can get better at reading the room
Practicing observational skills for facilitation
How to give people photographic exercises based on what is useful for facilitation
If you can read the room, people feel heard. If you can sense the room people feel understood.
Better observers make better facilitators. Notice and observe, you might find the unexpected.
Watch the Art of Observation: #vid19 global conference
Better observers make better leaders, project managers, facilitators, marketers, communicators - better everything!
Join me for a creative process to train our eyes not just to look, but to see, notice and observe ‚with our phones and street photography.
Look at your room, your flat, your house, your neighbourhood and street a little creatively, and differently.
Connect with your colleagues, your neighbours or your community through photos, while maintaining social distance.
Get practical exercises to start building a daily observational habit
"A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera"
Dorothea Lange, American street photographer.