Beginner’s mind
“…there’s lots of new things to observe as we wander around, paying attention to what we see, almost with a beginner’s mind to this new world.”
This was a lovely comment from a blog reader when our world changed, almost two months ago.
It reminded me of the joys of being a beginner.
That mix of excitement and trepidation as you turn the key in the ignition for your first drive.
😬Catch your first wave.
😬Cook a new dish.
😬Strum your first chord.
😬Dance your first step.
😬Speak a few words in another language.
When was the last time you tried something for the first time?
For the past month, I’ve convened a ‘virtual buddies’ group. It’s a safe space to play and experiment with different collaboration and facilitation tools.
We are all experienced facilitators and trainers so it’s fun to turn up each week with a beginner’s mindset. ‘What will I learn today?’
It struck me that this would be a good basis for my daily photo practice – with a twist. ‘What will I see today?’
We probably can’t re-create what it felt like taking our first photo. But by ‘paying attention to what with see’, in the words of my reader, we might get close.
We all learned to read. Have a go seeing your world with a beginner’s mind with this #Facilitography exercise. Here are your instructions:
📷 Take three photographs.
📷 One each of the letters: A, B and C
📷 Each photographer must only have one letter
📷 Find your letter in a street sign, in a poster on a wall, in a book – anywhere.
It’s interesting and fun to do this with a friend. Compare your photographs. How different are your letters? How similar are they? Where did you find them?
If you’d like to learn how to look with a beginner's mind, join me at a Virtual #Facilitography Walkshop on the last Tuesday of every month. Book here.
See what people say about my #Facilitography Walkshops. Watch here.