Driving lessons
Last week I wrote about a lawyer I helped with her first video court hearing.
I got a few ‘you’ve got to be kidding’ comments.
Then I read an article of online tips for a different sector.
‘Food and drink should not be visible to other meeting attendees. Water is acceptable.’
What might seem obvious to one, is news to another in our transition to our ‘new normal’.
Other readers told me that they appreciated the reminder that although they are excited by the potential of the online experience, others approach it with trepidation and dread.
It made me wonder. What other change has happened so fast, and so universally, across the globe?
Getting used to the virtual working world in the 21st century has parallels with the advent of cars early in the 20th century. It took decades for people to get used to them - not just the
driving, but travelling on streets full of people, horses and horse-drawn vehicles, and bicycles.
Henry Ford made the motor car accessible to the mass market, but not everyone had a car. In contrast, it’s a fair bet that everyone who works today will participate in online meetings. The change has been global, sudden and swift. No wonder our online meetings need a service.
Video meetings have been with us for years, but back-to-back online meetings five-days-a-
week is a new experience. Even though we’ve had several months to adjust, we still see the
same problems and mistakes.
Many of the online issues are the same as in face-to-face meetings.
Unclear purpose, poor planning and preparation, distractions, lack of engagement, ineffective facilitation, and communication issues. The sudden and complete switch to an online working environment might just be the trigger we need to fix these long-standing issues. The timing could be exactly right for a much-needed revolution against boring, disengaging and unproductive meetings.
What other global change has lessons for the one we are still transitioning through right now? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Comment 👇🏻.
When you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you get your online meetings humming:
Download my e-book Hum: double engagement and productivity of your next online meeting. It’s a visual guide with practical and easy-to-use tips and tricks to get your meetings humming. Click here.
Drop in to Get Humming my weekly and complimentary group coaching session. Get your meetings and workshops sparking with tips from me and the group. Every Friday in my Zoom room from 1pm – 2pm. Drop in, leave when you like. Register here.
Work with me 1:1 If you would like help with the harder problems, my Get Humming program can help. Email me with the word “HUM” in the subject line. We’ll make a time to meet and see which of my programs would be a good fit for you.