Thanks for sharing

We’ve had quite a journey together this year, you and me.  

In January, we started with a story from Hang Duong Cemetery on Con Dao, Vietnam. A clothing mishap opened the door to an opportunity that no tour guide could ever promise. 

I didn’t plan it (rarely do) but we ended up with another story from my travels – about leading from behind on a bike tour in Central West NSW. 

In between, there were lots of stories about questions – what type, who asks them and the Q&A tightrope. 

Cooking, bikes and games featured too. And there were quite a few rants about the experience of being a workshop participant. 

Your responses every week are part of the story. Each and every message from you heartens me. Thank you. I thought you’d enjoy a taste of some that landed in my inbox:

‘I don’t know that anyone has ever asked me what I enjoy most! I like the energy I feel when planning out the flow of a workshop… ’ 

‘Hey Jacinta, great article. I too see the importance of defining what role we are playing to gain clarity of how best to achieve the desired outcome. I enjoyed this read – Thank you.’ 

‘I loved your approach, and your generosity in sharing a quite vulnerable story.  I love the somewhere to put it….like the idea of the ‘possibilities bank…’ 

‘I loved this video…framing and welcoming and connecting is everything! I have always ‘curated’ the tables….but I’ve become more aware of the overload factor and now distribute activities or templates in the process, not beforehand.’ 

‘A great learning for sure. How can we be conscious of those things and be clear with instructions…I like the ideas you suggest and role modelling is probably key as well as a written instruction….’ 

‘Thanks for sharing a beautiful story of connection. And amazing serendipity as well! It's a bright spot in my day.’ 

‘Great post today. We can never underestimate the power of listening.’ 

‘What a great tip Jacinta – thank you – from someone who has had to try and get the permanent marker off the board after a workshop!!’ 

‘I really love this tip…for so many reasons - a simple but effective brain hack to split the paper, reflection words that are simple but sensible and I will use this for sure. Thank you.’  

If you missed any, all my blogs are here on my website and you can catch up on videos here.

Two questions for you: 

🔸 I love hearing from you. What stories would you like to read and watch next year?  Let me know. 

🔸 Do you know someone who would enjoy my blog? Encourage them to subscribe. There are some words below you can use. 


Me with Edna & Vishaka who let me share their story with you this year.


Thanks for reading this far. I’ll be back in your inbox on the 28 January 2025. 

I hope you take some time to relax and re-charge over the upcoming holidays. 

Stay (fl)awesome!