Posts tagged engagement
Irena Sharp, Suburban Land Agency, ACT Government

Jacinta brought great enthusiasm and energy to a complex government project involving multiple stakeholders with divergent interests.  She created a space where constructive discussion among stakeholders was possible, and maintained a flexible approach to stakeholder engagement that evolved with shifting project timeframes and outputs.  Jacinta helped us navigate through various sensitivities and priorities, providing clarity and a shared understanding among stakeholders of the many complex issues we face with this project.

Sam Brown, VicRoads, Western Region

I really appreciated Jacinta’s ability to just jump in and keep things moving over 18 months on a tricky engagement project. She covers all bases – planning the engagement, writing the content and facilitation. She was integral in making a citizens’ advisory group such an effective process and the trust she built with members was evident when we reported back a few months later. Jacinta was quick at turning around actions and very responsive to prioritising critical tasks as they emerged. This was the first time we’d tried something like this in Ballarat and Jacinta was a vital part of making it happen.

Dr Iain Butterworth, Healthy Cities and Liveability Consultant

Jacinta is a natural social entrepreneur. She knows the theory and practice of engagement: she is well-skilled in making meaningful connections; and has the diverse industry experience that allows her to engage with the client through a deep understanding of the 'tribal' language and rituals of the client's sector. Jacinta leapt at the opportunity to explore ways to strengthen the formal partnership between our institutions, and is a standout 'go to' person and personal sounding board.

Douglas Proctor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Global Engagement, Swinburne University of Technologyty College Dublin (formerly University of Melbourne)

As a colleague of Jacinta’s, I greatly appreciated her leadership in partnering and engagement. Her enthusiasm and readiness to question pre-existing methods helped the International Relations Office at the University of Melbourne to re-conceptualise our own work engaging with international stakeholders.

Allison Hornery, Director, Cofluence

We had the pleasure of working with Jacinta at a policy and research workshop. Jacinta has a refreshing style which is open and engaging, and as support facilitators we appreciated her effort to ensure we were well-briefed and clear about the session's approach and objectives.

Cross-disciplinary workshops can be tricky, and Jacinta navigated the complex content and diverse views in the room with confidence. We particularly valued her willingness to respond to suggestions and to actively engage with both her collaborators and the workshop participants to make sure the experience was positive for everyone. We’d be delighted to work with her again.